Prenatal Care at IGO Medical

Prenatal care at IGO is individualized for your specific pregnancy. IGO is fortunate to have two nurse
practitioners who assist the IGO physicians in providing prenatal care and postpartum lactation services.
The physicians and staff at IGO work with you and your family to assure your best possible pregnancy
outcome. Your concerns are important to us.

Please call to schedule a New OB appointment after you have done a home pregnancy test. You will
speak to an operator who will schedule a first appointment. This appointment is generally scheduled at
8-10 weeks of pregnancy, although this is individualized, depending on your pregnancy and medical
history. Women who wish to be seen sooner may schedule an ultrasound exam and an office visit with
an IGO physician at about 7-8 weeks from the last menstrual period.

The number of prenatal visits differs depending on your pregnancy. Generally, women are seen once a
month at the beginning of the pregnancy, every two weeks in the middle, and once a week at the end.
We keep you informed about what tests are planned and what is involved with each visit. Your family is
invited to come to all the visits and ultrasound appointments but we ask that they be respectful of your
privacy and our staff. Please be sure that someone is present to supervise young children during your

At your first visit, we provide you with a folder of information. All aspects of prenatal care are covered
in this information. Of course, you are always encouraged to ask questions.