Endometrial Ablation

Reduces heavy menstrual bleeding by removing endometrial tissue

Endometrial ablation is a medical procedure used to treat certain gynecological conditions, particularly heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). The procedure involves the removal or destruction of the endometrial lining of the uterus, which is the tissue that normally builds up and sheds during the menstrual cycle. By either eliminating or significantly reducing the endometrial tissue, the goal of endometrial ablation is to reduce or stop heavy menstrual bleeding. Endometrial ablation is typically considered for women who have heavy menstrual bleeding that has not responded to other treatments like medications, and who have completed their family and no longer desire pregnancy.


Some techniques for endometrial ablation include:

  • Cryoablation: This therapy involves freezing the endometrial tissue to remove it.

  • Thermal Ablation: This method uses heat sources, such as radiofrequency energy, microwave, or laser, to destroy the endometrial lining.

  • Balloon Ablation: A balloon-like device is inserted into the uterus and filled with hot fluid, which then destroys the endometrial lining.

Note: The physicians at IGO will individualize your treatment and choose the type of endometrial ablation that is right for you. We are particularly excited about Cerene, a cryoablation technique which we can now perform in our office with local anesthesia. For more information, visit https://cerene.com/patients.



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